This is "P", some our dearest friends newest addition. Isn't he cute! Can you believe he was the same size as our little man...10lb 10oz. One in a million chance. I can't wait to see our two bruisers grow up together. Here's to good times "R" family. Thank you for letting me photograph your sweet, sweet baby.
So, this year I decided to take on a new opportunity.... Senior photos. And, I loved it! It is so much fun to photograph seniors, to chat with them about their next steps, and to remember what that time was like for me. I loved being a senior and taking the next step to collage. Oh, collage...what a great time of life that was, so many fond memories of those days. Seniors are a wonderful change and always an exciting opportunity. I have more senior posts coming up, so check back.
This is "O", an awesome guy. His Mom and little sister were with us for this session and I loved watching the relationship between the three of them. I hope I have that kind of relationship with my kids. What a great family!
Introducing the "P" family.... I loved photographing this family mostly because I had a great time chatting with them. We know a lot of the same people which shows me how small this world really is. There's something comfortable about that. Little "C" is absolutely adorable, I wanted to eat him up (maybe not the best idea if I wanted him to smile at me).
I love babies and photographing them is an absolute joy. But one thing I love photographing as much as babies, is "Mom and baby". The relationship is so beautiful and natural and nurturing and sentimental and pure and, and, and.... I could go on and on. I guess being a Mom myself allows me to understand what other Mom's feel when they are holding their sweet miracle. It IS the purest form of love. I'm grateful to witness it and capture.