Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So happy...

J is one of the happiest babies. He did not stop smiling throughout his entire photoshoot. I just had to laugh because everytime I smiled, he smiled. It was too cute. I got a lot of great shots but these are my favorites. Those big blue eyes just kill me and I love that hat!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Little Beauty

This is a recent newborn I had the pleasure of photographing. Isn't she beautiful! The parents and the babe were so wonderful to work with. I can't wait to photograph her again.

Three sweet girls

Here are a series of photos from a very recent session. M (I'm using initials for all my client posts) came to get photos taken for her 6th birthday. Her twin sisters came along and all three were having a great time making M laugh. They were a blast. Check out those twin's eyes, amazing!

Intorducing Punky Pie Photography Blog spot

I'm so excited to start this blog. I now have a place to show my work. I hope you like it.