I believe there are no coincidences in this world. Everything that is meant to happen, happens; and everyone you are supposed to meet, you will meet when the time is right. That has never been more true than with my friend Darcie. I met
Darcie when I was looking for someone to photograph my family a year ago this September. I had been doing photography for about 6 months by that time and had just made the decision to make a business out of it. We quickly learned that we could help eachother out. I needed a photography teacher and she needed marketing advice. It was a perfect trade. Over the last year she has become one of my dearest friends. She is warm, accepting, and without judgement. Not only has she been a great friend, but a wonderful mentor as well. Thank you Darcie.
I was honored when Darcie asked me to be her photographer on two recent occacions: "A day in the life session" with her son, and a portrait session for her website.
They got ice cream, took a ride on the merry-go-round, and read books at the library. Here's a small glimpse of that time.... joyful!

To die for! I really love the ice cream series..such emotion and real moments that her son is sure to remember. What a special day. The shots of Darcie completely sum her up...beautiful, giving, happy, and full of life. Great work. K
I am so touched. You have given me such a beautiful gift in your friendship. I have grown as a photographer and person because of your input into my life. Thank you for being so willing to learn and grown and to be open and honest with me. I have loved spending time with you and I always feel like I have a gem to take away from each of our talks.
I am so excited to watch your business grow and to see where this journey will take you. Your gift has grown so much this past year and I am thrilled that I have been given this opportunity to help in any small way. You have an excellent eye for natural expressions and composition, you work so well with your clients and set everyone at ease instantly. You have a wonderful rapport with people that is completely natural and genuine. This trait above all else will make you succeed in the business.
Thank you for your kind words, I am honored to be considered one of your closest friends. I feel the exact way. Our friendship couldn't have come at a better time in my career and life as well. I needed your inspiration and fresh excitement to fuel me to keep on keeping on:) LOL!
So thank you....
love them! can't wait to see you guys next week!
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